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Unable to see groupfileds in the markup for WebHierarchicalDataGrid control


I'm trying to group 2 columns under one group and below is the code I'm using to achieve that. Somehow I'm not able to see the Groupfields in the markup. Any help is  greatly appreciated.

 private void AddActualsColumns(BudgetingGrid budgetingGrid)
            for (int year = budgetingGrid.FirstYearToDisplay; year < budgetingGrid.BudgetingYear; year++)
                string cellKey = year + "Total1";
                GroupField actualsGroup = new GroupField();
                actualsGroup.Header.Text = year.ToString();
                actualsGroup.Key = cellKey + "Group";

                BoundDataField actualsColumn = CreateAmountColumn(cellKey);
                actualsColumn.DataFieldName = cellKey;
                actualsColumn.Header.Text = "Total";
                actualsColumn.CssClass = "CenterAlign";


                // Add the column to all bands
                foreach (BudgetingGrid.Band band in budgetingGrid.Bands)