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UltraWebGrid - Cell.scrollToView() problem

I wrote my own cell navigation function that, depending upon the keystroke, selects the next appropriate cell for editing.  The last operation this function performs is to ensure the target cell is activated and visible within the grid.


The scrollToView() does not appear to work.  The target cell is not scrolled into the visible portion of the grid.  Furthermore, pressing F2 reveals the target cell's editor positioned well below the grid's visible area.  (See attached screenshot)  This also confirms that the correct target cell has been found.  It is as if the scrollToView() method believes the grid is taller than it actually is.

Removing my key-handling (grid navigation) logic has the same result.  Using my key-handling routine ensures that the scrollToView() method is being called, as evidenced through the debugger.

Background: All rows are loaded into the grid at page load time; no paging is performed.  The grid's visible area (viewport) displays 13 of the 30+ rows that have been loaded.  The vertical scrollbar is always visible.

Any suggestions?  Am I the only person having this problem?