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I need Click Event of Button in WebDataGrid Control

Hello all,

I'm using Infragistic : WebDataGrid Control. I've added one Command button displayed in each row. What i want to do is when i click on any command button for a particular row the individual fields in that particular row should display in controls like TextBoxes. Major prob is I'm not getting how to get a "Button's Click" event inside WebDataGrid control. Pls Check the Code for Gid :


<ig:WebDataGrid ID="grdData" AutoGenerateColumns="False"  EnableAjax="False" CssClass="WebDataGridStyle" autopostback="false" runat="server" Height="350px" Width="990px"  EnableViewState="False">   
                                    <ig:Selection CellClickAction="Row" RowSelectType="Single" SelectedCellCssClass="WebDataGridSelectedRow">
                                    <ig:Activation ActiveRowCssClass="WebDataGridSelectedRow">
                                    <ig:ColumnResizing Enabled="true" />
                                    <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ID" Key="Id" HtmlEncode="true" Hidden="true" CssClass="WebDataGridItemStyle">
                                        <Header Text="ID" />
                                    <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="AppName" Key="AppName" HtmlEncode="true" Width="200px" CssClass="WebDataGridItemStyle">
                                        <Header Text="Application Name" />
                                    <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="ModuleName" Key="ModuleName" HtmlEncode="true" Width="220px" CssClass="WebDataGridItemStyle">
                                        <Header Text="Module Name" />
                                    <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="WorkTime" Key="WorkTime" HtmlEncode="true" Width="100px" CssClass="WebDataGridItemStyle">
                                        <Header Text="Work Time" />
                                    <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="Notes" Key="Notes" HtmlEncode="true" Width="100%" CssClass="WebDataGridItemStyle">
                                        <Header Text="Notes" />
                                    <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="isLocked" Key="isLocked" HtmlEncode="true" Hidden="true" Width="15px" CssClass="WebDataGridItemStyle">
                                        <Header Text="Locked" />                                       
                                    <ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="isMailSent" Key="isMailSent" HtmlEncode="true" Hidden="true" Width="100%" CssClass="WebDataGridItemStyle">
                                        <Header Text="Mail Sent" />
                                    <ig:TemplateDataField Key="Edit" Width="18px">
                                            <asp:Button ID="btnEditReport" runat="server" Text="Edit" CommandName="EditRpt" CommandArgument="EditReport"  />
                                        <Header Text="Edit" />
                                        <div style="text-align:center;">
                                            <br />
                                            <img src="App_Themes/Mrecord-Default/Images/exclamation.png" align="absmiddle"  alt=""/>
                                                No records found.

  • 30

    Hello ash , I have seen your code and hope this helps .

    you can add events on server side after webdatagrid like i did in the example below

    <ig:WebDataGrid ID="grdData" AutoGenerateColumns="False"  EnableAjax="False" CssClass="WebDataGridStyle" autopostback="false" runat="server" Height="350px" Width="990px"  EnableViewState="False" ondatabound="Your Function">

    or you can add client events 

    <ClientEvents-Click> in the web webdatagrid too ... Hope that helped you




  • 30

    did you find the solution the above