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WebDataGrid StyleSet Not Applied When WebDataGrid is not immediately visible

We have a search page that has two panel controls - the first panel contains the search criteria controls and is the only panel visible on page load.  The user specifies the search critiera and then clicks a "search" button, this runs the search and then hides the "Criteria" panel and shows the "Results" panel with the WebDataGrid - although the data is displayed the StyleSet (Windows7) that is specified for the WebDataGrid does not get applied or is not rendered.  The "Results" panel has it's Visible flag set to false in the markup and is only made visible on the server side by virtue of a user executing a search.  If I set the "Results" panel's visibility to "True" for the sake of troubleshooting the style does get applied - not sure why this is.  Why is the style not applied at the time the WebDataGrid is made visible, regardless of it's previous visible state?