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WebTab (Infragistics4...v11.1) in codebehind

Hi Folks

I need to be able to hide a tab based on server-side logic (on the PageLoad).

Some thing like:

        Dim usr As New SecurityGuard.SecurityCheck(UserID, CInt(Context.Session("UserSiteID")), "CM", FormId, Session.SessionID.ToString(), Application.Item("Conn").ToString)
        Me.UserRoles = usr.UserRole

        If usr.UserInAnyOf("P0", "P1", "P2", "P3", "P4") Then ' they are a student, hide tab.index=2

            Dim control As WebTab = Me.tabAssessments ' as a starter, just try to disable it....
            control.Tabs.Item(2).ViewStateMode = UI.ViewStateMode.Disabled

           ' stumped and don't see anything usable in either your docs or on this forum

        End If



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