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WebDataGrid Cell Value

I am trying to retreive the value of a cell from a selected row in a  webdata grid when I click a command button

Here is the code I have in the command button












Protected Sub Button_Edit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button_Edit.Click




Dim SelComment As String




Dim cIndex As Integer




Dim selectedRow As Integer




If GridView.Behaviors.Selection.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then




    SelComment = GridView.Behaviors.Selection.SelectedRows(0).DataItem (0).ToString



End Sub

When I click on the button, I always get this error:


Why am I getting null values from the grid, when I have a selected row?

I am not able to get any of the cell values from the selected row.

A related problem is when the button does the post back, all the rows on the grid disppears. Not sure why.

I am using Visual Studio 2010 and the version of NetAdvantage I have is


Please help.
