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Pie Charts And Legends Items


Is there a way to force the legend to display all items that are represented in a pie chart even if the item has a zero value? I'm comparing 2 months of data and I want both pie charts to display the same legends. I also need both pie charts to use the same colours for the same items. Right now when I  compare a chart with 2 items to one that has 1 item, the colours don't match. Both chart's item 1 are the same colour however item 1 on the second chart should match item 2 on the first chart. Any help would be appreciated.

  • 21382
    Verified Answer

    Hello Ostrem,

    The behavior you are seeing is the designed behavior.  Since the value is zero, it's excluded and then the color isn't used.   

    It sounds like a decent feature request however, so I will add it to our backlog to see if we can get it into the product.

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