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XamDataGrid SummaryDescriptions always NULL + IsGroupCollapsable=true not working

Hello, I'm working on a Uno Platform project using Infragitsics.

1)  I created a XamDataGrid and Group rows by specific fields, but I see that even if "IsGroupCollapsable" is set to True, I cannot collapse or extend group when I run the application.

2)  I tried to create SummaryDescriptions using this code: 

<igGrid:ColumnSummaryDescription Field="Price" Operand="Count" />

But it's not working because "myGrid.SummaryDescriptions" is always NULL, so it's showing error when I build the project.

Can you explain me please how to fix these errors and enable manual collapse/extend and show groups summaries ?


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    It's yet in preview maybe we need a new release here. Perhaps only in 2022? 

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