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How to show horizontal scroll bar to filter list which open while clicking on filter Icon


I am new to WPF and in my project we have used XamDataGrid. In that on each column we have used filters by setting AllowRecordFiltering property to true.mentioned as below.

<igDP:UnboundField BindingPath="xyz.FullName" AllowEdit="False" Width="Auto" Name="ReferredFrom" Label="Referred From">
<igDP:FieldSettings AllowRecordFiltering="True"/>

But when I click on filter icon, list of all available names gets opened with vertical scrollbar, when I click on scrollbars down arrow it gets scrolled down with same width size list, but width of list gets resized as soon as it finds long name than previously loaded list, So it's resizing list but my cursor pointer remains on same position where I was scrolling and by mistakenly that name gets selected and records are getting filtered out on the basis of selected name.

I want to show horizontal scrollbar as soon as the long name gets loaded into list instead of resizing. Could you please please help me with the same.