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Vertical Grid Orientation


Is there a possibility to display the grid (better would be the band) vertically?
I mean normally a grid is drawn upside down, each GridRow showing a DataRow.

But we need to show the information from left to right. Consequently we will have 6 "GridRows" showing multiple "GridColumns" whereby our dataset will have 6 DataColumns with multiple DataRows. This is NOT a pivot since we do not need to have summaries. We just want to change the orientation of the grids columns and rows. We also do not need to rotate each column[header] to reflect a 90Degree text.

I am quite sure it is no complex task to do that but after a while of searching I am not sure anymore the Infragistics- Grid is capable of such a displaying- method.

 I would appreciate any feedback and I do allready have alternatives if absolutly required alltought I definitly try to avoid that.

Thanks in advance and best Regards,

 Rudolf Woerndle