I've use this post for reference:
I want to populate a dropdown (differently for every row based on the value of a dataset or could use a list). When I do what is in the code below it only wipes out all my rows in the grid. Is there a better/easier way:
Hello Tony,
From the code snippet you provided it seems that mDSetPackageDetails is a DataSet. Is this correct? If so, then the filter you are adding at this line:
rootBand.ColumnFilters["X_SUPRA_DSCNT_ID"].FilterConditions.Add(FilterComparisionOperator.Equals, mDSetPackageDetails);
should hide all the rows in the grid, as it is comparing the values in the cells against a DataSet, and I suppose the result is always false. As a first step try to comment out this row and check if the rows are gone again. If the rows are there try to fix your filter.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions on this matter.
Thanks...that is what is occurring I should clarify... I query the dataset for each row in the grid with different values in Field2 and Field3. this line seems to affect the whole grid.
I want to set the values for a dropdown in field1...like enter a State and here is a list of Cities, but the drop down is on each row so each row may have a different state. That's the sample I used in a previous post (Mine has different values than city and state). How can I use a filter to filter a drop down value (field1) on each row of the grid differently based on Field2 and Field3 and also reset the dropdown values of field1 if either field2 or field3 are changed?