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Locking a merged ribbons tab(s)

I have an MDI parent form with toolbars manager/ribbon that creates a singleton child form which has it's own ribbon that gets merged into the parent.

I also have other child forms with their own ribbon layout.

When I switch between forms the parent ribbon merges things correctly (ie. Click on child 1 and it's tab layout appears, click on child 2 and the same occurs).

However - I would like to know if I can "pin" or "lock" the tab layout of 1 of the children.

I will only ever create a single instance of child 1 and would like it's tab layout to be there all the time, with other child tab layouts being dynamically merged as is the default behavior.

Any help would be appreciated.

  • 125
    Offline posted

    Here's an example app.. a "Singleton" tab is created when it starts up that lists the files in the application directory inside a grid.

    Double-clicking on a row will cause a child form to be added to the app.

    Switching between the "Singleton" tab and the file-based forms will change the parent ribbon to only display either the "Single Child" tab or the "Multi Child" tab.

    What I want is for the "Single Child" tab to always be visible.

    using System;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using Infragistics.Win;
    using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;
    using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabbedMdi;
    using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabs;
    using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars;

    namespace TabTesting
    static class Program
    static void Main()
    Application.Run(new ParentForm());

    class ParentForm : Form
    private UltraToolbarsManager _toolbars = new UltraToolbarsManager();
    private UltraTabbedMdiManager _mdiManager = new UltraTabbedMdiManager();
    private SingleChildForm _singleChild = new SingleChildForm();

    public ParentForm()
    IsMdiContainer = true;
    _toolbars.DockWithinContainer = this;
    _toolbars.Ribbon.Visible = true;
    _mdiManager.MdiParent = this;
    _singleChild.MdiParent = this;

    var tab = _mdiManager.TabFromForm(_singleChild);
    tab.Settings.AllowClose = DefaultableBoolean.False;
    tab.Settings.CloseButtonVisibility = TabCloseButtonVisibility.Never;
    Size = new Size(640, 480);

    class SingleChildForm : Form
    private UltraToolbarsManager _toolbars = new UltraToolbarsManager();
    private UltraGrid _grid = new UltraGrid();

    public SingleChildForm()
    _toolbars.DockWithinContainer = this;
    _toolbars.Ribbon.Visible = true;
    var tab = _toolbars.Ribbon.Tabs.Add("SingleTab");
    tab.Caption = "Single-Child";
    Text = "Singleton";

    _grid.DataSource = Directory.GetFiles(Application.StartupPath);
    _grid.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
    _grid.DoubleClickRow += GridOnDoubleClickRow;
    _grid.DisplayLayout.Override.CellClickAction = CellClickAction.RowSelect;
    _grid.DisplayLayout.AutoFitStyle = AutoFitStyle.ExtendLastColumn;

    private void GridOnDoubleClickRow(object sender, DoubleClickRowEventArgs e)
    var child = new MultiChildForm
    MdiParent = ParentForm,
    Text = Path.GetFileName((string)e.Row.ListObject)

    class MultiChildForm : Form
    private readonly UltraToolbarsManager _toolbars = new UltraToolbarsManager();

    public MultiChildForm()
    _toolbars.DockWithinContainer = this;
    _toolbars.Ribbon.Visible = true;
    var tab = _toolbars.Ribbon.Tabs.Add("MultiTab");
    tab.Caption = "Multi-Child";

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