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double.NaN is exported wrong


I have a grid with a cell value of double.NaN, showing as "n. def" (german locale). Thats correct and works as expected.

Now I export this grid to excel, and I would expect a result of  #NV (e.g. also shown when you add a formula =NV() ), showing that no value is defined for this cell of type double.

But, it is exported and shown a value 2,69653970229347E+308, which is definitely wrong and misleading.

 Is there a workaround?


I do not want to change the value to zero within CellExporting, as zero is misleading (one would think it is a valid value), and is definitely another value than NaN.

No Data
  • 44743

    I was unable to use the =NV() formula in Excel 2007. If you can post a workbook file with this error in one of the cells I might have a better understanding of how this error type works so I can offer more help.
