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windows handles associated with ultratab

I have an external application written in foxpro7 that i want to run within a .net container.

I can create a child window with my mdi container no problem, the issue I have is that I have an ultratabmdimanager and i want to associate the windows handle of the app i am starting with the ultratab and not the main form i have it running in.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I am using system.diagnostics Process to create the instance of my app and am linking it to the parent form using user32.dll SetParent

Many thanks




  • 44743

    The UltraTabbedMdiManager creates tab items for each Form in the MdiChildren collection of the parent Form. If you don't have a .Net Form, it couldn't exist in this collection and there is no way to have a tab associated with it. Also, the UltraTabbedMdiManager cannot manage the child windows of a parent window if it is not a .Net Form.

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