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Dropdown in Ultragrid Cell/Row - Not By Entire Column

I know you can set a column as a dropdown but I'm trying to set a dropdown based on a row not on a column.

My datatable has been transposed on a date column like below

|        | 1/1/2015   |  1/2/2015   |
| FieldA | Type       | MySQL       |
| FieldB | Header     | Spreads     |
| FieldC | Auto Align | On          |

 What I need is for FieldA for example to be a dropdown across the entire row not on the columns since those are dates.

  • 6120
    Offline posted

    Hello Kyle,

    UltraGrid CardView is an alternative to traditional way of displaying rows and columns of a band. When you want the Field A to be a dropdown/ data Panel across the entire row then I recommend using a CardView. It presents an interface similar to the Contacts view of Microsoft Outlook, where each data record is represented as an "index card" and multiple cards are displayed on screen.

    Please go over the CardView documentation and let me know if it suits your requirement.

    Sahaja Kokkalagadda
    Associate Software Developer