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Navigation overflow buttons image


I have a problem with showing the images on the overflowbuttons in the ultraexplorerbar and I can't seem to find a solution.

I'm using this code to set them:

xpbMenu.UseLargeNavigationOverflowButtonImages = false;

UltraExplorerBarGroup grp = new UltraExplorerBarGroup(row["MnuCd"].ToString());
grp.Text = row["MnuOmsNl"].ToString();
grp.Settings.AppearancesSmall.HeaderAppearance.Image = AITProject.Properties.Resources.cogIcon;
grp.Settings.AppearancesSmall.NavigationPaneHeaderAppearance.Image = AITProject.Properties.Resources.cogIcon;
grp.Settings.AppearancesSmall.NavigationOverflowButtonAppearance.Image = AITProject.Properties.Resources.cogIcon;
grp.Settings.AppearancesSmall.NavigationOverflowButtonHotTrackAppearance.Image = AITProject.Properties.Resources.cogIcon;
grp.Settings.AppearancesSmall.NavigationOverflowButtonSelectedAppearance.Image = AITProject.Properties.Resources.cogIcon;
grp.Settings.AppearancesSmall.NavigationPaneCollapsedGroupAreaAppearance.Image = AITProject.Properties.Resources.cogIcon;
grp.Settings.AppearancesSmall.NavigationPaneCollapsedGroupAreaHotTrackAppearance.Image = AITProject.Properties.Resources.cogIcon;


But they get replaced with the default ones (I think they are the default ones). But not when the button is active or when you go over it (see screenshots)

Alle buttons should have the cog as image.

When I put it in, it shows (because it is active)

I set the second button active (it becomes active, so it shows)

Second button is active and i'm going with my mouse over the first button (cog is also showing)

Thanks in advance,
