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Row.Selected and Selected.Rows.Add behavior in Ultragrid

If I select a row programmatically by setting the row's Selected property to true or by adding the row to the selected rows collection (Rows.Add or Rows.AddRange), I lose the ability to Shift+Up key or Shift+Down key to begin a multi select operation. The same is true for Shift+Left mouse click to select a range.

In addition to selecting the row, I have activated it as well.

The results I'm seeing are: Programmatically select and activate a row in the grid, Shift+Down key selects and activates the next row in the grid without preserving the selected state of the original row. Shift+Down key again will begin the multi-row select operation.

I can PerformAction(ToggleRowSel) to achieve the desired results for a singe row, but this doesn't help when I'm trying to AddRange.

I am currently running v17.2 in VS2017.

Is this the expected behavior? Is there a way to achieve the desired behavior with AddRange other than iterating the entire range and calling PerformAction on each row?


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