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UltraFormatedTextEditor SelectionStart position seems to be incorrect


i'm using the UltraFormatedTextEditor to display some user inserted code. However i need to determine if the cursor position is inside curly braces. Based on that i want to insert values wrapped in braces or not. 

Refering to this forum i tried to use textEditor.EditInfo.SelectionStart to get my cursor position and check the opening and closing braces with very simple code:

    private bool CheckIfInsideBrackets()
      var curserPosition = textEditor.EditInfo.SelectionStart;
      var text = new string(textEditor.Text.Where(c => !char.IsControl(c)).ToArray());
      int countOpen = 0, countClose = 0;

        for (var i = textEditor.Text.IndexOf("@{"); i < curserPosition; i++)
          if (textEditor.Text.ElementAt(i).Equals('{')) { countOpen++; }
          if (textEditor.Text.ElementAt(i).Equals('}')) { countClose++; }
      return countClose != countOpen;

But after all i get a wrong brace count, because the position of the cursor is not correct. I insertet a screenshot to illustrate my problem. As you can see the cursor is after the last closing brace. But the returned SelectionStart is right behind "obj.Price;" so I miss out on the last two braces

I hope someone can help me with this problem.