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Center justify tabs

Anyone know of a way to center tabs in an ultratabcontrol? I have the following properties set to make the tab control act like a menu:

TextOrientation: Horizontal

TabOrientation: LeftTop

Style: StateButtons

I guess I'm looking for a way to make the TabOrientation: LeftCenter. However, that option doesn't seem available. is there an a way accomplish what I'm after?

  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello James,

    From the description of this behavior that you are looking to achieve, I'm a little unsure where a tab orientation of "LeftCenter" would appear, but I'm under the impression that you want the tabs to appear toward the center of the UltraTabControl. Please let me know if this is what you had meant, as the following is based on that impression.

    If this is the case, this is not currently supported, and I would recommend suggesting a new product idea for the tabs to show in the center by default. You can do this here. This will place you in direct communication with our product management teams who plan and prioritize upcoming features and development based on community and user feedback.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.