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AppStyling - Changing multiple Appearance elements simultaneously

So, I've got a Winforms app using Infragistics controls throughout with Appstyling

That part works fine.

I've recently added a little form that allows users to configure a few colors (ie resource properties) for several elements.

Generally this works ok.

However, One snag I'm seeing is that when the user saves their selections, I run through all the properties and apply them to all the applicable APPEARENCE objects from the default style library's resources.

That works fine as well.

The problem is that the whole app flickers very badly as a result of this (i'm guessing because each time I modify an appearance property (say, Backcolor) that causes a wholesale redraw of the entire app).

Is there anyway to "Pause" style updated to the various controls in the application, make the necessary changes to the resource appearance objects and then "Unpause" and force a single refresh?

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  • 34430
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    Hello Darin,

    My teammates and I have done an initial investigation into this flickering issue that you are seeing, and it is interesting that you are seeing this issue as the redraw and paint operations of most Infragistics controls happens asynchronously, and so you shouldn't really be seeing any sort of flicker.

    That said, there may be exceptions to this rule, but without knowing what Infragistics controls you are modifying the appearances of, I cannot really make a recommendation here. Would it be possible for you to please elaborate a bit further on which Infragistics controls your application is using as well as which appearances you are modifying? If possible, could you please provide an isolated sample project or code that reproduces this flicker that you are seeing?

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