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UltraPeekPopup z order with dialog box


I am using an UltraPeekPopup control. The popup displays a control which can display another form using Form.ShowDialog(). When the dialog is displayed, it is shown behind the UltraPeekPopup. 

Is there any option to get the UltraPeekPopup to allow the dialog to be displayed in front of it?


- MAx

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    Hello Max,

    I've tried to reproduce your issue, but it doesn't seem to be reproduced. I attached a sample application which I used to test the behavior. Could you take a look at it and see whether or not it reproduces your issue?

    The application is composed of two forms: Form1 and Form2. Form1 has a button which shows a ultraPeekPopup when it is clicked. The UltraPeekPopup's content has another button which shows Form2 by calling ShowDialog(). I tested by the following steps:

    1. Run the application.
    2. Click "ultraPeekPopup1.Show();" button. Then, UltraPeekPopup is shown.
    3. Click "Form2.ShowDialog()" button.

    After this step, Form2 is shown front. I couldn't see your issue that Form2 is displayed behind the UltraPeekPopup.

    If I'm missing anything, please let me know.
