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How to arrange items horizontally in ExploreBar? How to arrange items horizontally in ExploreBar? How to arrange items horizontally in ExploreBar?


I'm a new of infragistics.

Now I have an issue that needs to modify the UI layout of the program. The original design of the program used ExploreBar.

Now I want to modify the layout of the items in ExploreBar so that they are arranged horizontally. How can I achieve this?

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    Hello Stan,

    Changing the style of items in groups will change their orientation.

    The default style will arrange them horizontally. Actually, from all styles, only the label style will put them in vertical order. In case your group consist of separators, you can adjust the separator orientation by setting its property as follows:

    this.ultraExplorerBar1.ItemSettings.SeparatorStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinExplorerBar.SeparatorStyle.Horizontal;

    Should you have any further questions, please let me know.

    Tihomir Tonev
    Associate Software Developer
