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UltraMaskedEdit Value Property not changes on key events

I have an UltraMaskedEdit that is placed on a given form.

While the user enters keyboard keys, the Value property is still set to null after a few keys (or DbNull.Value, but I don't know why since the control's value that user entered is not a value that is null from a Database).

How can I control through Value property what is inputted while the user is editing the control?

Should I be using a different Property to verify what was already entered?

How can I ensure the mask is already filled and validated so I can programmatically trigger another process on my program? 

  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Rafael,

    I have been investigating into the behavior you are looking for in this case, and rather than using the Value property of the UltraMaskedEdit, I would instead recommend using the Text property to get what the user has currently typed. The difference between these two is that the Value is not committed until the user leaves edit-mode on the editor. You can also set this property while the user is editing if you would like to control this.

    Regarding being able to tell if your InputMask has been fulfilled or not, I have found that checking the Value property of the UltraMaskedEdit within the ValueChanged event of the editor can help with this. It appears that the UltraMaskedEdit.Value will return a blank value if the mask is not fulfilled, but the value will be the same as the Text if it is.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.