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UltraToolbarsManager memory leak.

We have a winform view with a UltraToolbarsManager control  and we host it in wpf by WindowsFormsHost. When we close a tab with the hosted view and dispose WindowsFormsHost, view and UltraToolbarsManager directly, we have memory leaks. During investigation we find out some information:


It's clean diagram without additional ul elements in view which can use UltraToolbarsManager. We turn them of for investigation. 
But if we remove this.ultraToolbarsManager.DockWithinContainer = this; line. then we don't have memory leaks. But as result don't work some functional.

Also it can be fixed by reflection be deleting event handlers from "Events" and   "EffectiveValues" collections. But it isn't right way.

If you need any additional information please let me know.

Thank you.