Hi I'm using the lastest service release 2020.1 (15/07/2020) and when opening the Appstylist facility I get the following message
UltraDockManager - DragDrop disabled - The AllowDrop property is set to true but the ApartmentState of the current thread does not support drag drop. To disbale drag drop functionality set the AllowDrop property to false.
I had the same message in my own code and I could change my own code to AllowDrop = False which removed the message but I cannot do anything about your Appstylist facility.
Kind RegardsPaul Kitching
There is actually no issue here and you can safely ignore the message. This error message has been already fixed and will not appear in the next service release.
Should you have any further questions, please let me know.
Tihomir TonevAssociate Software DeveloperInfragistics