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Building solution using private Nuget Repository without installing license on Build Agent

We are using a Workflow for Continuous Integration and Delivery of our Software.

When I check in my Code into Git, it is getting reviewed. Then I can trigger a build on an MSBuild Server which is located in a centralized Docker. My Code is going through a static scan, the binaries are going through an Open source Scan, If there are no vulnerabilities the Binaries could then be delivered to a repository to which internal users can subscribe. Depending on the Branch I'm using it is getting deployed to DEV/UAT or PRD environment.

All my Dlls are located in a firm, or in a private Nuget Repository and are getting installed during the build process (we are not allowed to use external repositories). When I try to build using Infragitics Dlls it will fail using a license.licx file with the keys from my Development Computer. When I use an empty license.licx file the build succeed, but the application doesn't run showing license issues.

I have checked:


I found a lot more forum entries like this, most of them are very old, but it seems to be a common problem.

Isn't there an easier way like just pulling Infragistics Dlls from our own Nuget Repository instead of installing all onto a MSBuild server? If we install it onto the server everyone could use the Dlls, if we pull them from our private repository only I or members of my team with a license could pull it.

Using open source software is a straight forward process, during the build phase, but using Infragistics is very complicated. I don't want to have a custom Docker build for just my application, it is a huge effort, going through the build/maintain and approval process.

  • 7375
    Offline posted

    Hello Christian,

    Thank you for the post . In order to understand the issue I would like to know which version control you are using and also if you have WinForm .net core project or .net framework project ?

    Asking because we have nugget packages available for .net core project but not for .net framework project , its because with framework project, packages didn't really have a good user experience.

    So if you have .net core project then the nuget packages we ship with the product ,you can simply copy and put them in your private nuget repository, but if you have .net framework project then the dlls need to be somewhere copy over to the build machine
    and in both the cases you do not need to run the installer on your build server.

    Also I noticed that you mentioned that ” When I use an empty license.licx file the build succeed, but the application doesn't run showing license issues.”

    Not sure which license issue you are having? As per my experience there shouldn't be any licensing problem if you cleared out the .licx file and sample build successfully.
    i could only see licensing issues if you tried opening a solution on your build server...but even then...if you have release dlls it should just work fine ,we don't have runtime licensing, we only have design time licensing.

    Let me know if you have any question.

    Divya Jain