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Navigation Filter for UltraTree


I created a CreationFilter for UltraTree that does the following:

1. Makes the TreeNode Area wider and higher and moves it a bit left, so I would get a nicer looking selectable area:

2. Adds a button to the top-Node of the Tree as a child control:

All is well, but strangely if I use both components together, I can't get OnHover action of the button anymore and to activate it I need to click two times.

Here is the CreationFilter code:

private void OffsetElements(UIElement parent)
            if (parent is TreeNodeUIElement)
                Rectangle newRect = parent.Rect;
                newRect.Width = parent.Control.Width;
                newRect.Height = 23;
                newRect.X = 0;
                parent.Rect = newRect;

                foreach (UIElement child in parent.ChildElements)
                    int nLevel = (parent as TreeNodeUIElement).Node.Level;
                    Rectangle newRectChild = child.Rect;
                    newRectChild.X = newRectChild.X + nLevel * 19;
                    child.Rect = newRectChild;


        private void CreateButton(UIElement parent)
            if ((parent as TreeNodeUIElement).Node.Level != 0)

            Appearance app = new Appearance
                BackColor = Color.Transparent,
                ImageBackground = Properties.Resources.Cog_12x12,
                ImageBackgroundStyle = ImageBackgroundStyle.Centered,
                AlphaLevel = 0

            ButtonUIElement oButtonNode = new ButtonUIElement(parent);
            oButtonNode.ElementClick += new UIElementEventHandler(button_ElementClick);

            int x = parent.Rect.Width - 30;
            int y = parent.Rect.Y;

            Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(new Point(x, y), new Size(parent.Rect.Height, parent.Rect.Height));
            oButtonNode.Rect = rectangle;
            oButtonNode.Appearance = app;

Could you hint me what am I doing wrong?

  • 469350
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    It's tough to say for sure without more information. There are a lot of variables here that you didn't mention, like what ViewStyle your tree is using and whether or not you are using themes. But I played around with your CreationFilter a bit and as it is, it doesn't work for me. I don't even see the selection getting extended like in your screen shots. So there's probably some other setting or variable in your application that is different from mine. 

    One thing I do see is that your CreationFilter is enlarging the direct child elements of the TreeNodeUIElement, but not the the entire descendant tree, and more importantly, not the TreeNodeUIElement itself. So I think that's probably why your button element is no responding to a mouse over - because it's being clipped by it's parent element. As a general rule, you never want a child element to extend outside of it's own parent. 

    I experimented a little but and I was able to get this working by doing three things in the CreationFilter: 
    1) Expand the width of the TreeNodeUIElement itself. 

    2) Expand the with of the NodeTextUIElement, which is the element that shows the selection color. 

    3) Add the button. 

    I am attaching a small sample project here.

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