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CloseButton look in Windows 11 preview

It will be helpful if you teach me workaround or some hint about following phenomenon.
In Windows 11 preview, on the TabbedMdi close button shown as TabCloseButtonLocation.HeaderArea, a dark gray holizontal line is displayed.

The line become thicker on mouse-over the button. 
The behavior is similar than the scrollbar of Windows 11.

The phenomenon occurs in case that PropertyPageSelected is set to TabGroupSettings.TabStyle.
(And PropertyPageSelected is indispensable to our application.
Version: NetAdvantage v12.2 and Infragistics_WinForms_20211_Samples
Windows Version: 22000.132 ~ 194, 22454 on Hyper-V / VMWare
Visual Studio 2015 (for main use), 2019 (for investigation)

Thanks in advance.