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Need an example for Callout Annotation

I am using latest (21.2) version of datachart. I want to use Callout annotation but for some reason, the values are not showing up. I have column series and line series on the chart. I am somewhat new to Infragistics. I have figured out many things by searching and finding some examples. Unfortunately, there is no code behind example for the callout annotation in the help. I would appreciate if someone could share a small sample to achieve that. Thanks

  • 7375
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Alam,


    Thank you for contacting. For auto enable the callout layer you just need to set these property and set MarkerType Hidden on the series.



      CalloutLayer layer = new CalloutLayer()
                    Name = "callout",
                    IsAutoCalloutBehaviorEnabled = true,
                    UseValueForAutoCalloutLabels = true,
                    TargetSeries = series1,


     To set it to specific points you would need to set these properties:

    List<DataPoint> calloutData = new List<DataPoint>();
    calloutData.Add(new DataPoint() { X = 0, Y = 500, Label = "Test" });
    CalloutLayer callouts = new CalloutLayer()
    XMemberPath = "X",
    YMemberPath = "Y",
    LabelMemberPath = "Label",
    DataSource = calloutData,

    Attached  a sample application for the reference.






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