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Control columns for Ultratree bound to a business object collection

The Ultratree control that is bound to a business object collection displays everything, I need to control the columns displayed and column format? How can I do it? Is it possible with using ColumnSet on a databound Ultratree?

And the UltraTree is bound to the collection in runtime

  • 469350
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Yes, you can control which columns are displayed. There are two ways to do it. 

    1) If all of the columns are showing up, it's probably because the tree is automatically generating the ColumnSets from the data source. This is the default, but you can turn this off with the AutoGenerateColumnSets property on the ColumnSettings. If you turn this off, you will need to create all of the columnsets yourself and assign them to the correct levels. 

    2) The second option is to let the tree create the ColumnSets like it's already doing, then modify them. You can do this in the ColumnSetGenerated event. In this event, you can examine the ColmunSet that was created and modify it any way you like - such as removin or hiding columns.

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