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multiple working times for a single day
I need to show lunch hour timeslots as unavailable and shaded in the same way as timeslots outside the working hours are shown. Ideally I would have liked to specify more than simply a WorkDayStartTime and WorkDayEndTime for the DayOfWeekSettings for an owner (preferably a list of time ranges) but I realise that would need a feature request. So without that functionality currently available, I am looking for another way to achieve the same, even if for now it is only changing the colour of the timeslots. The closest I have got so far is the HasNonWorkingHourAppearance property on a timeslot, but as there is no owner associated with a timeslot, I think this will just change the appearance across all owners rather than on an individual owner basis which I need as owners have different lunch hours. On a side note, how do I add a feature request for a range of work times in the DayOfWeekSettings?
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  • 69832
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    You can log a feature request here.

    You can get a reference to the date and owner with which a TimeSlotUIElement is associated like so:

    Owner owner = timeSlotElement.GetContext( typeof(Owner) ) as Owner;
    object dateContext = timeSlotElement.GetContext( typeof(DateTime) ) as Owner;

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