I create UltrastatusBar in Windows.Forms. When i mouse over UltrastatusBar, i want to pop up some message to user (Like ToolTip) . Infragistics have any special controls for Controls mouse over pop up message (Like ToolTip). Shall you suggest to solve this problem.
If you want to display a tooltip on any control, such as the StatusBar, then you can use either the Inbox ToolTip component or the UltraToolTipManager. If you want balloon-style tooltips, then you should use the UltraToolTipmanager.
By default, both of these components only provide a single tooltip for a control. So if you need to show different text depending on what part of the control you are on, then this is typically done by trapping the MouseMove event of the control and setting the ToolTipText depending to the appropriate text depending on what part of the control the mouse is currently over.
To determine which panel of the StatusBar you are over, you would use the ElementFromPoint method. There are lots of samples of this technique in the Infragistics Knowledge Base. If you do a search for "ElementFromPoint", you will find them.
Hi Saltzman,
I am working on industrial automation device project. I have to connect multiple device through my project . Suppose i try to connect any device through my project, that time i have to display connection status "Device connected / Not able to connect" like that. Now i display these information in Ultrastatusbar. Now after connected 3 device i have to display one column device name & another column in status. These information display in popup box on mouse over Ultrastatusbar. I don't know which control is suitable display these information.
Hi cravi,
I'm not sure I understand what you are asking. There's a ToolTip component included with Visual Studio which provides tooltips. If you want more robust tooltips, you can use the Infragistics UltraToolTipManager component.
But I'm a bit confused about what that has to do with the StatusBar control.