I want remove default activerowappearence from ultragridview. How i remove
FAQ:How do I turn off the ActiveRowAppearance so that the active row in the grid does not appear selected.
Hello viewers,
How to dynamically add the checkbox into Ultragrid. After adding checkbox how to fetch selected checkbox row data.
I'm afraid I am still having trouble understanding you. What do you mean by "dynamically add a checkbox into the UltraGrid?" Where exactly do you want a checkbox? In a column header? In a cell? On a row?
Any colunn in the grid whose DataType is Boolean will automatically show up with a CheckBox in the cell. To get the value of the cell, you simply use the Cells collection on the row. If you want to get all the cells that are checked, you would have to loop through the grid's rows collection and examine the value of the cell in each row.