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RowSizingAutoMaxLines doesn't work at all

I searched all Forum Articles about the maximum height of a cell, if using CellMultiLine Property in combination with RowSizing and RowSizingAutoMaxLines.

But my Problem is, that this Property doesn't work at all. I used several combinations and places to set this property with no effect. If i enter more lines than set in RowSizingAutoMaxLines and use for example AutoFree to adjust the height through doubleclick - all lines in the Cell are expanded for the selected row.

thanks Sebastian

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    Verified Answer

    The answer in my case was to have a special Look at RowSizing Property. With the following Settings the AutoMaxLines should work.

    ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Override.CellMultiLine == Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.True;
    ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Override.RowSizingAutoMaxLines = 3;
    ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Override.RowSizing = RowSizing.AutoFixed;

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