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Typing Enter key in UltraFormattedTextEditor takes 4 characters for the first time.


I observed that typing "Enter" key in UltraFormattedTextEditor is taking 4 characters for the first time. It is supposed to take 2 characters (\r and \n). It seems for the first time 2 additional characters are added next to the cursor. These will never be found unless you press a "delete" key.

I notice that this behavior is also observed when we paste a paragraph of text into the ultraFormattedTextEditor, that the cursor will be starting from the next line rather than the end of the pasted content.

Is there any way to ger avoid this behavior, so that the UltraFormattedTextEditor behaves similar to that of a normal windows forms RichTextBox?


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  • 469350
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    I know that the FormattedTextEditor sometimes has to add in extra return codes in order to behave properly. But I'm not really sure I understand what you are describing here. If the control is behaving in a way that is not intuitive, then it sounds like something is wrong.

    What version of the control are you using?

    Can you explain in more detail exactly how I can see the behavior you are describing?

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