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EmbeddableEditor events on WinComboEditor

Here's what I am trying to do. I want to have a WinComboEditor as an EmbeddedEditor in an UltraWinTree. OK, that's easy. 

But I also have some events defined on that WinComboEditor, specifically BeforeDropDown and AfterDropDown.

Now, when I set them up in a test app with just a WinComboEditor on a form, the events are fired, but when the WinComboEditor is set as an EmbeddableEditor in the view, the events do not get fired.

How do I get this to work?  (I am using 8.2 on CLR 3.5, if that makes a difference.)

  • 110
    Verified Answer

    Oh, nevermind. I figured it out. 

    You have to cast the WinComboEditor to IProvidesEmbeddableEditor, then set the events on the Editor property of that interface. Works like a charm!