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I have build a user control that contains a UltraDayView with a UltraCalenderInfo object.  The calendarInfo object has multiple owners, which i then create multiple appointments within these owners  with time slices from a database.  The problem is that sometimes, when the appointments appear, there appears to be double appointments in one slot.  I have verified the appointments collection for the calendar info object, and there is no duplicate time appointment object for this owner.  When selecting one, they both become selected, and when editing one using the built in editor, they suddenly become just one appointment again.  Has this problem ever been seen before?

  • 48586

    Hello Chris,


    The behavior that you have described seems very strange to me. It seems that somewhere in the code you have  added one "appointment" twice in CalendarInfo. Could please try to  isolate this in a sample only with  UltraDayView and UltraCalendarInfo to illustrates this behavior. If this behavior is happened very rarely, could you please give me more details about the steps you did?


    I am waiting for your response.

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