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easy Branch by columns

Hi, i have spent hours reading help and the examples and cannot get started with an easy branch by columns examples. If someone could help i would really appreaciate it. thanks

i have a data table of 4 columns - column 1, column 2, column 3, column 4   

all i want to do is load the tree and branch by data in column1 and column 2 

ie    + column1
           + column2  
               Column3 Column 4

column1 and column2 is essentially a group by clause that is created by the tree control.

I really thought this would have been a 2 second setup, but i can't find out how for the life of me.

i have tried setting up datatable copies and adding self retaing colums to relationships - but no luck there either...

thanks for any help


  • 469350
    Offline posted

    Hi Peter,

    I'm not entirely sure I understand what you are trying to do here. But if you are binding the WinTree to a data source, then the tree will show the data in the structure you give it. WinTree doesn't have any functionality to create groupings in the data. So you would have to create a DataSet with three tables in order to get what I think you want here.

    You could, of course, populate the tree manually and copy the data from your data source to the tree nodes, as opposed to data binding.

    Another option would be to use UltraGrid instead of UltraTree and use the OutlookGroupBy feature to group the data.