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UltraGrid with UltraTree in UltraTextEditor

I currently have an UltraGrid bound to a custom object:

public class Person


   public string FirstName { get; set;}

   public string LastName { get; set; }

   public int CategoryId { get; set; }



The UltraGrid's Category column's ValueList property is set to a UltraDropDown like so:






uddCategories =

new Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraDropDown();


uddCategories.ValueMember =


uddCategories.DisplayMember =


uddCategories.DataSource = categories; // this is a list of category objects




"CategoryId"].ValueList = uddCategories;



Now our categories are going to be grouped into Super Categories and the we wish to display them in a hierarchical  manner.







and so on...


I wish to accomplish this using an UltraTextEditor and an UltraTree.  So far I have managed to get the categories in the Tree and the Tree into the UltraTextEditor and into the appropriate cell of the grid. 

Now I need to get the Category code into the UltraTextEditor's text property based on the CategoryId of the row.  I also need to select the appropriate Node in the UltraTree based on the CategoryId of the row.  Is there a way to bind these values through existing properties?


Any guidance or advice is appreciated,
