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System.OutofMemory Issue when Loading Data using Typed Data Set in Win Grid

System.OutofMemory Issue when Loading Data using Typed Data Set if the Number of Rows is greater than 250,000 . I am doing some functions like Cell Hideing in Initialise Row. This is a burning issue .. please help..


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  • 469350
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    It's entirely possible that your machine simply does not have enough memory to create all of the objects necessary to display so many rows at once. But it could also be a bug in the grid.

    Can you post the call stack of the exception you are getting?

    Can you post a small sample project demonstrating the exception?

    Does it matter if comment out your InitializeRow code?

    The reality is that no human user could possibly deal with 250,000 rows of data in any meaningful way, anyway. It would probably be a better all around for you to limit the number of rows in the grid by letting the user choose some filter criteria and only bring back a smaller sub-set of the data to work with at any one time.

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