Version: NetAdvantage Select 2010 Vol. 3 (WinForms)Component: Infragistics Ultragrid
Operation system with error: Windows XP Pro
A customer of us is experiencing the "red cross" error followed with an error messages that states:
"object is currently in use elsewhere"
System.InvalidOperationException: The object is currently in use elsewhere
by System.Drawing.Graphics.get_Transform();
by Infragistics.Win.Graphics.Transform.TransformRectangle(Graphics ... ).......
This error throws itself when an user is (re)loading (refresh) the grid with data or using the filter fields on the grid when the data has been bound to the grid.
The application don't use multithreading. There are also no special techniques or such used. Just retrieve data from the SQL server (on the server) and databind the datatable to the grid in the client application.
We never had such experience with this component and other customers with the same application never had or having this problem (running other OS). We also can't reproduce this error on our own developer PC's and on our customer demo server.
Can someone help me in finding out why and how it's possible this customer is the only one experiencing this on all of its workstations or where I have to look for the real cause.