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How to hide series labels on 3D column chart

Hello all,

I'm using Infragistics version 10.2 for Win Forms.  I've got an UltraTilePanel displaying several 3D column charts, one per tile.  When a tile's state is Large, I want to display labels on the X and Y axes of the chart.  When a tile's state is Normal, I want to hide all labels on the X and Y axes.

I'm setting Axis.X.Labels.Visible and Axis.X.Labels.SeriesLabels.Visible to False for normal tiles, but series labels on the X axis are still displaying.

Here is an example screen shot.  Note the labels highlighted in red.  How can I hide these labels?

  • 53790
    Verified Answer

    What you could do in this case is set the following when the state of the Tile is the desired one:

     ultraChart1.Axis.X.Labels.Visible = false;
     ultraChart1.Axis.Y.Labels.Visible = false;
     ultraChart1.Axis.Z.Labels.Visible = false;

    From the provided picture I think that the Z labels are visible, so if you set the above properties you will achieve what you are looking for.
    Could you please try and let me know what are the results

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