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problem with drag and drop

I feel there is a bug in the drag and drop of the ultragrid.

We found that the rows are getting lost in following scenario.

We have a hierarchy displayed in the Ultragrid. When we drag the element we delete the corresponding element in the attached list and add it to the destination row's collection.

We have a two level hierarchy. root node and it has n children [ n should be greater than 4]. These children are siblings of eachother.


1. drag any (xth) row and drop it on x+1st or x+2nd row. [drag from above to below]

2. x should not be the last or first row.

3. after this step, xth row is lost.

possible cause : we feel that the grid is not handling the indexing of the rows properly.

because this problem doesnt occur when we drag x+1st or x+2nd element to xth element. [ drag from below to above]. Because in this case the index of the destination row is not disturbed by the drag operation.