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CheckBox in WinTreeColumn?


it's possible to create a winTreeColumn as CheckBox programmatically?

With Code such like

        private UltraTreeNodeColumn checkBoxColumn()
            UltraTreeNodeColumn checkboxColumn = new UltraTreeNodeColumn();
            checkboxColumn.DataType = typeof(bool);
            checkboxColumn.CellAppearance (??????)
            return checkboxColumn;

Thanks and Greatings: Rudy

  • 220


    i found out that it's simple with the AllowCellEdit - Option. Now I set it to "AllowCellEdit.Full", but I'm not able to edit the cell.(?)

    The Background:

    The Data comes by using the following code:

    UltraTreeNode nodeWP = this.ultraTreeRequirements.Nodes.Add("Root"); nodeWP.Nodes.SetDataBinding(eCU_ArticleQuery.Execute(MergeOption.AppendOnly).ToList(), "");

    In next step i Neet an unbound Checkbox to sho some dependencys:

    private void ultraTreeRequirements_ColumnSetGenerated(object sender, ColumnSetGeneratedEventArgs e)
                switch (e.ColumnSet.Key)
                    case "List1":
                        e.ColumnSet.Columns["ID"].Visible = false;
                        e.ColumnSet.Columns.Add("Check").DataType = typeof(bool);
                        e.ColumnSet.Columns["Check"].AllowCellEdit = AllowCellEdit.Full;

                    case "":
                    case "LIst2":
                        e.ColumnSet.Columns["Value"].Visible = false;

    What's to do to edit the manually added cell?

    Thanks an Greatings: Rudy