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UltaWinTree 3 Level nodes expantion based on lowest child node status.


I'm using UltraTree component from NetAdvantage for Windows Forms

I have an UltraTree with the following properties

ultraWinTree.ViewStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.ViewStyle.OutlookExpress;

The tree is populated with 3 nodes levels and each node has child nodes.

My requirement is, when i found expand status in my lowest child node i need to expand all parent nodes of that child node.

What iam trying to do is :



static void ExpandNodes(UltraTreeNode node) {


if (node.Parent == null)



node.Parent.Expanded =


CellExpand(node.Parent); }

I am able to expand the immediate parent node, but the node.parent of the parent node is null,

Is there any solution? please help me,




  • 469350
    Offline posted

    Hi Sami,

    What is the "CellExpand" method doing? I'm guessing this is just a type and you meant to call "ExpandNodes" recursively.

    If the parent node is null, then my best guess is that this code is getting called for a Level 1 node that only has a single parent. There is no other explanation I can think of.