Dear all,
I have changed the numericType from integer to be decimal, then it show currency. Do you know why?? I only want the quantity decimal data type. How should I do??
this.txtActQuantity.NumericType = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.NumericType.Decimal;
This should not happen with only changing the above mentioned property. I attached my sample to this post for you. Could you please review if you have set 'FormatString'.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any additional assistance.
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
Hi, I'm running into the same behavior with Infragistics 16.2.
As soon as I set an UltraNumericEditor to NumericType 'Decimal', there's a € suffix. (Or, if I explicitly set 'en-US' as FormatProvider, a $ prefix.)
If I set MaskDisplayMode to 'Raw', the currency symbol disappears while the control isn't in focus, but in edit mode, it's still visible. Only when I explicitly set a MaskInput does the currency sign disappear. However, in some cases, I don't know which MaskInput to set.
So, it appears to fall back to a MaskInput with a currency sign. Is that supposed to be the default behavior? If so, how do I set a fallback to "just let the user enter any decimal number"?
You can resolve this by setting the MaskInput and FormatString properties on the UltraNumericEditor. For example, you might use this code:
ultraNumericEditor1.MaskInput = "{double:10.2}"; ultraNumericEditor1.FormatString = "n2";
You can learn more about format strings in the following topics:
Standard Numeric Format Strings
Custom Numeric Format Strings