Is there a way to ignore diacritics when filtering a row on a grid. I have a column of employee names with non-English characters and I would like the ability to filter in the same way that AutoCompleteIgnoreDiacritics on the ultraComboEditor works.
Is it possible to use the StripDiacritics method in the utilities?
Any help greatly appreciated?
James O'Doherty
Solution and Database Architect
diacritics are honored or ignored during an AutoComplete search operation
Hi James,
Nothing built-in for the filtering in the UltraGrid but you can handle the FilterRow event and use the StripDiacritics utility method to achieve the same results. FilterRow event is described in the help via: http://help.infragistics.com/Help/Doc/WinForms/2014.1/CLR4.0/html/Infragistics4.Win.UltraWinGrid.v14.1~Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridBase~FilterRow_EV.html.
Keep in mind not every symbol applied to a character is considered a diacritical mark. Polish for example had a mark that is not considered a diacritic and I remember coming across others while adding the behavior, which also led me to some interesting discussions in this area... but just keep in mind that some marks are not considered a diacritic and you might want to use your own methods to strip the extra marks from the text to suit your scenario.
Note that it seems at some point between 14.1 and 20.1, this feature was added: https://www.infragistics.com/help/winforms/infragistics.win.ultrawingrid~infragistics.win.ultrawingrid.ultragridoverride~filterignorediacritics
(I'm not sure how it handles differing locales, though. Does it treat i, I, ı, İ as the same? Only in Turkish? Always?)