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Not able to style buttons in the attached library


I am trying to update the buttons in the application using the attached style library. But is not able to do so. Is there a specific reason for such a behavior?

While you are at it could you please also suggest a way to style the scrollbars in ultragrid and other controls. I would like a background image for scrollbar arrows


Ishan Gandhi
  • 28925
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Ishan,

    Both the Button and Scrollbar appearances are control by the OS. There is a property called UseOsThemes that you need to set to False to override the controls and make the changes you wish to have.

    1. Open Canvas with control displayed in AppStylist for Windows Forms
    2. Hover over control and press "C"
    3. Find UseOsThemes in the property grid.

    I modified your ISL file with the necessary changes. Let me know if you have any questions.