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Exapand Collapse rows using group by columns


I am trying to work with ultragrid and noticed that it is messy to go to the lowest level rows in case there are a lot of grouping in the grid. I would like to ask if we could do something like the one in attached screenshot.

1. I want number of the level along with the column header in group by box.

2. If a user clicks on a column level in group by box, all the rows to that level are expanded.


Ishan Gandhi

  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
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    Hi Ishan,

    1) I don't see any easy way to do this. You could use a CreationFilter to try to add in the extra text, but it would be very difficult, if not impossible to resize the buttons to make that extra text fit. I suppose if you didn't mind clipping or shortening the column header in some way, it might be feasible, but that doesn't sound like an acceptable solution.

    2) This can be done, but right now, clicking on the GroupByButton for the column changes the sort direction. So what would you want the behavior to be? Do you want to expand the level, sort, or both?

    If you want both, then it would be easy enough to trap for a MouseDown on the GroupByButtonUIElement and to expand all of the grid rows up to that level. But I don't think there's any way to stop the sort order from changing.