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Display of Images in UltraListView is Slow


It seems that the display of my UltraListView is much slower when I include an image from an image list with each of my items.  In my case, the time it takes to display the list is approx. 4 times longer when I include an image from the image list as compared to when each item uses the default image (or no image). Below is a code snippet:

// Create image list for UltraListView that has 5 images

myacqsList.ViewSettingsDetails.ImageList = new ImageList();

myAcqsList.ViewSettingsDetails.ImageList.Images.Add(new icon(...));

myAcqsList.ViewSettingsDetails.ImageList.Images.Add(new icon(...));

myAcqsList.ViewSettingsDetails.ImageList.Images.Add(new icon(...));

myAcqsList.ViewSettingsDetails.ImageList.Images.Add(new icon(...));

myAcqsList.ViewSettingsDetails.ImageList.Images.Add(new icon(...));


// Set default image and image size

myAcqsList.ItemSettings.DefaultImage = new icon(...).ToBitmap();

myAcqsList.ViewSettingsDetails.ImageList.ImageSize = new System.Drawing.Size(16,16);

myAcqsList.ViewSettingsDetails.ImageSize = new System.Drawing.Size(16,16);


// Add an item to the list



string name = ...;

DataTime data = ...;

string acqID = ...;

UltraListViewSubItem reportSubItem = new UltraListViewSubItem();

UltraListViewSubItems[] subItems = { new UltraListViewSubItem(acqID, null), new UltraListViewSubItem(date, null), reportSubItem };

UltraListViewItem = new UltraListViewItem(name, subItems);

item.Appearance.Image = imageIndex;    // assign correct index from image list.

item.Appearance.ImageHAlign = Infragistics.Win.HAlign.Left;

item.Appearance.ImageVAlign = Infragistics.Win.VAlign.Middle;




If I comment out the assignment to the Image so that the default image is used, the display is much faster. Alternatively, if I assign -1 as the image index, as shown below, so that no image is displayed the display is also much faster.

item.Appearance.Image = -1;

I'm using version 8.2 of the Infragistics Windows DLLs, so they are a little old. 

Any idea why including an image from the image list would cause the display of the list view to be so much slower? Any help is appreciated.

